Saturday, December 29, 2007

Does anyone remember common courtesy?

When you enter a store and someone is entering right behind you is it not common courtesy to hold the door for them? When you are the recipient of someone holding said door open for you is it not common courtesy to say thank you or at the very least nod or make some kind of acknowledging gesture? When you are driving in a parking lot in the pouring rain and some pedestrian is going to cross in front of you, is it not common courtesy to stop and wave them on, if only to save them time in the rain (since you are sitting in a dry car)? When you are sitting in your car in a parking lot with your headlights on, does it occur to you to turn them off and not blind the person who maybe trying to park across from you? When you hear someone sneeze is is not common courtesy to say Bless You ( I will leave out the "god" as to not offend anyone) even if it is a stranger. Weren't we all raised to show some consideration to our fellow human being? I know I was and I am only
27, yet I have run into people older than me that seem to have forgotten these common courtesies. I guess in today's high speed world we no longer have time to carry out some of these simple acts, but then again maybe it's just me.

Friday, December 28, 2007

When did we all get so sensitive?

Hi my name is Phoenix. Before I start blogging I just want to say up front, that I am no authority on anything, have no special degrees or talents and am a bad speller ( so no need to write in and point out I misspelled something) I'm just a person who is frankly fed up with our society and lately have been asking myself, has everyone lost their priorities in life, OR is it me?

So first up on my mental list of questions is when did we all get so sensitive about things? What do I mean? For starters how about why the hell people find it so offensive to say Merry Christmas? For one I am not deeply religious or anything, in fact I cannot remember the last time I set foot in a church. However I cannot believe simply saying Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, or Happy Kwanza can offend anyone. Do we really have nothing else in life to worry about except what some cashier, clerk, doorman, etc wishes us in December? How about worrying about bills to pay, kids to feed, or on a more global level a war to end? Or more importantly how our media is feeds this ridicoulus war on Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas? They don't find it important to write about how almost 6 billion dollars that went to Iraq is largley unaccounted for? Or the millions being poured into the American Embassy in Iraq for tennis courts and indoor swimming pools? Never heard about those stories? That is because our gov't (and media) doesn't want us to know about these stories, they would rather we all worry about who is offending us with christmas greetings. Now I am not a big conspiracy buff (although to be honest my boyfriend is) but I find it incrediby naive to believe everything the goverment tells us (WMD's anyone?). I cannot believe there is not more of an uproar over this administrations blatant disregard for our laws and constitution, but I guess it is hard to get upset over our loss of freedoms and privacy, when we are so busy being offended for someone saying Merry Christmas.....but maybe it's me.